Staunton Families:  

The school district is excited to announce that we are able to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to any child, ages 18 years old and younger, who lives in the Staunton School District through the month of December!  The free meal service will begin next Wednesday, September 9th and will continue through Tuesday, December 22nd.  

The school district will offer meal pick up at the bus garage located on the school district campus from 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM for students who are remote learning and community members.  Children will be provided a lunch and breakfast when picking up the meals.  Please complete the linked Breakfast/Lunch Survey below if you are a remote learner or community member and plan to take advantage of the free meal service. 

Breakfast/Lunch Survey Link:  https://bit.ly/3532UgD   

Students who are attending school for in-person learning should continue the current lunch count process and inform their teacher or complete the necessary form if they plan to eat a meal from the cafeteria.  

If you have any questions, please contact any school district office.