Dear Staunton Elementary families, 

The current word of the month for December is COMPASSION.  Staff and students are completing activities and lessons that highlight the importance of showing compassion to others.  

As part of our school’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program, there will be a REWARD PARTY for students in the elementary school that are following behavior expectations/rules, completing assigned work, and demonstrating compassion for others.  

Students must earn their attendance at this reward party and staff will be tracking student behavior incidents and work completion over the course of December.  Any student who receives less than 3 behavior strikes will get to watch “The Grinch,” wear red/green attire, and enjoy a sweet treat! Students who receive 3 or more behavior strikes will be working on classwork, reading AR, or creating behavior plans.  Please remind your child to follow all classroom and school expectations, so they will be able to participate in this fun activity.  

The school’s goal in implementing this reward activity is to motivate our students to finish this semester in a positive manner.  Good luck to all of our elementary students! 

-Elementary PBIS Committee