Activities & Extra Curriculars

In addition to athletics, Staunton Jr. High offers a variety of other interests students can engage in.

Scholastic Bowl


Our scholastic bowl team is full of individuals who wish to use their brains to compete! Their season begins at the start of second semester and they compete in multiple matches against other schools in the area. The battle of wits is something you don't want to miss!


Choir students at the junior high level have the opportunity to be part of the annual musical put on in our auditorium. This musical is in cooperation with our high school choir students. Performances are given to the other students at school and are open to the public. Please enjoy this video of last year's production, Spongebob the Musical.

This year's musical: TBD

Student Council


Student council is made up of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Staunton Jr. High. Members are elected by their teachers and peers. Each member brings a variety of strengths they put to use to help make our school better for everyone.

Examples of events student council is in charge of are: dances, Fan Club, dress up days, concession stands, food drives, etc.



Our FFA chapter includes students in 5th-12th grade. Members of our chapter participate in multiple contests, attend conventions, community service projects, and more!

Follow our advisors on TikTok to see all the fun they have!


Fan Club


Lead by Terry Terrier, our student fan club cheers on our athletic teams and shows support for team and individual events happening in our school! They also come together at the end of the year to reflect on the year's accomplishments and celebrate them with a dinner and dance.

All activities and extra curriculars listed are covered in the Extra Curricular Activities Compact.