The Staunton CUSD #6 Board of Education will hold its' rescheduled regular meeting on Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Unit Library. The SHS Illinois State Scholars will be special guests to be recognized during the meeting. Congratulations to Hali Bandy, Ryan Best, Griffin Bianco, Megan Boyer, Norman Carnaby, Joseph Fisher, Malissa Huddleston, Drew Mullenix, Kaleigh Pirok, Abby Scanzoni, Cole Schuette, and Mackenzie Sievers on their accomplishment.
Superintendent Cox will provide a State of the District Report and annual budget projections. Student Learning/District Improvement, 2019-2020 personnel needs, and pending maintenance projects will be other areas for discussion and action. To learn more about these items and more you may view the agenda, agenda notes, and supplemental documents via the District website.