For the second consecutive year the District has closed the fiscal year with a balanced budget. Unaudited year end reports reflect a positive revenue:expenditure ratio of $919,328. Over the past four years the District has steadily increased fund balances by $1,631,736 (26%). "Much credit is to be given to the faculty, staff, families, and Board of Education for pulling us through the financial crisis as recent as four years ago when the District had deficit of $1,000,000," said superintendent Dan Cox. "What we are most proud of is that we are gaining stable financial footing while adding positions, programs and services back into our schools that will have significant impact on student learning outcomes," Cox added. Over the past two years the District has added 13 additional positions as well as invested in professional learning, technology, safety, and instructional resources. "It is inspiring to see what our students, staff, and families are accomplishing with the resources they are provided. We are just getting started and are looking forward to an outstanding upcoming school year," Cox closed.
Regarding school safety, the Board heard a presentation from attorney Susan Nicholas of Robbins-Schwartz regarding the roles and responsibilities of school resource officers as well as considerations for intergovernmental agreements between districts and municipalities.
In other items the Board approved the District Improvement plan, an easement with the City of Staunton to provide for a drainage ditch, and approved a selection process to add a student board member to the Board of Education.
To learn more about these and other items please see the full summary of minuteson the District website.