Staunton CUSD #6 Families:
The mission statement of our school is “Staunton CUSD 6 expects everyone’s best: *LEAD *CHALLENGE *ACHIEVE.” With this mission in mind, the Elementary/Jr. High has a robust Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RtI) program to assist students. Based on a variety of factors, students may receive a more individualized and targeted approach to reading and/or math interventions. This support is given in addition to the core instruction that a student receives in the grade-level reading and math classes. Selection for extra interventions and support is based on STAR scores, teacher recommendation, attendance and/or individual assessment data. Your student will be progress monitored at regular intervals to determine their intervention plan.
Extra support will be provided in the following ways:
Small group, supplemental curriculum that focuses on strategies and skills that were noted in STAR testing.
One to one intensive reading and/or math interventions.
This support will be implemented by looking at classroom schedules and making adjustments as needed.
If you have questions about the program or interventions your child may be receiving, please don’t hesitate to call the Elementary/Jr. High Office at 618-635-3831.