Dismissal Procedures - Community Room Parking Lot

  • Stay in your car. If your child needs assistance getting into the vehicle, please park. 
  • Do not walk up to the door or wave your child to the vehicle. The teachers on duty will get your child to your car when they deem it is safe.
  • We ask that if your child must enter the vehicle on the driver side that you consider parking. There is a lot of traffic in lane 2 at dismissal and having them go to the driver’s side brings concern. 
  • Please discuss with your child about not running out into the parking lot. Again, there is a lot of traffic at dismissal and you may be monitoring your child coming to you but many other parents may not be aware. 
  • Lane 1 (closest to the building) is for pick up only and Lane 2 (farthest from the building) is for parking and walking up.
  • Do not park in the round part of the parking lot. This is a no parking zone. Only park in designated parking spots. 
  • Do not park on the sidewalk when entering the parking lot. Many students walking home use the sidewalk to safely walk across the parking lot. 
  • Students Pre-K to 2nd are picked up at the Community Room doors. Students 3rd grade and up are picked up at the front of the school. If you have students ranging in different grades please discuss with your child’s teachers on how you want them to be picked up. 
  • We have been told by the local police department that cars should not block the entrance into the parking lot. If the line is backed up please consider parking or driving around until there is an opening. 
  • Please give your child’s first and last name when asked by the person with the walkie. If you need a car tag please let your child’s teacher know or the office. The car tags hang from your rearview mirror and allow for calling names to go quicker.