Staunton Families,
November 14 we will be having a Family Reading Night in the Community Room. The night will start with a short meeting about our Title Program and strategies that you can use at home when working with your child. The Title Meeting will be from 5:30-6:00. This will be followed by Family Reading Night from 6:00-7:00. All families of students in grades K-3 are invited to attend. Please sign in when you arrive and be sure to bring your child's favorite book. When your child is finished reading his or her book, they will earn a feather to put on our turkeys in the hallway. There is a turkey for each grade level. The turkey with the most feathers will earn that grade a popcorn party. The winning class from that grade will win a book.
Whether you attend or not, we encourage you to read with your child each night. This will help them grow as a reader and a student.
We look forward to seeing you and are excited about Family Reading Night!