Staunton Families: Linked below is the district's COVID-19 resources page on the website. There is helpful information available for you to review, including guidance about remote learning, which will start next week.
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
SHS Students and Families: The 2020 Staunton High School Prom has been postponed and rescheduled for Saturday, July 18th. The Prom will still be held at the Crystal Ballroom in Staunton. We understand that this is an important day for our students and families and want to take every precaution necessary to ensure student and staff safety. In moving the date to July, we are hopeful that any restrictions on large gatherings will be ended and the event can take place. Please feel free to contact school staff via email if you have any questions.
See the latest video update from Superintendent Cox regarding Spring Break and Remote Learning. #LeadChallengeAchieve
Please Review the Staunton CUSD #6 Remote Learning Plan at
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for March, Delaney Marks (Senior) and Noemi Sessa (Senior)! Students of the month are nominated based on grades, attendance, leadership and service. #BulldogPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton High School is committed to providing continued learning opportunities for our students during the school closure. To learn more information about the high school remote learning schedule and expectations, please click here:
Also, please take a moment and watch this brief video from Mr. Allen:
#BulldogPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Please see the latest announcement on remote learning, spring break, grades, and participation.
Remote Learning Extended Through April 30
Welcome to Staunton Mrs. Tolbert! #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Schools is hosting a Virtual Spirit Week March 30th - April 3rd! Review the attached flyer for more info. Hashtag your pictures with #StayAtHomeStaunton and post them to your social media pages! Also, pictures to this link to be featured in a spirit week slideshow:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
The school district is updating food distribution times. Food will be available for pickup between 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM. Food deliveries will take place from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM. For the most up to date information about food services, please click this link:
Distribution sites include the following locations:
1) Net Community Church
2) Staunton Fireman's Park Pavilion
3) Staunton Police Dept. Garages / City Hall
4) Livingston Village Fire Dept.
In addition to these locations, the school district can deliver meals to your home upon request. Please click the survey link if you are interested in requesting food for your children.
Survey Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Schools is hosting a Virtual Spirit Week March 30th - April 3rd! Review the attached flyer for more info. Hashtag your pictures with #StayAtHomeStaunton and post them to your social media pages! #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
DON'T FORGET: Please complete this short survey about your ability to access the internet and what devices you have at home.
Survey Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
The Staunton CUSD #6 staff wanted to share how much we MISS OUR STUDENTS! This is a challenging time, but please know that we are thinking of you and are here to help.
Video Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
See my message re: our priorities in response to COVID-19.
Staunton Families: Please complete this short survey about your ability to access the internet and what devices you have at home.
Survey Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
The school district continues its commitment to serving meals to the children of our community during the school closure. For the most up to date information about food services, please click this link:
Distribution sites have been consolidated down to the following 4 locations starting Monday, March 23rd:
1) Net Community Church
2) Staunton Fireman's Park Pavilion
3) Staunton Police Dept. Garages / City Hall
4) Livingston Village Fire Dept.
In addition to these locations, the school district can deliver meals to your home upon request. Please click the survey link if you are interested in requesting food for your children.
Survey Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Let’s all do our part! #StayAtHome #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Schools staff are working hard to distribute meals to our students during the school closure! If you need more information on this, please click here:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Stay at Home Order