During the regular meeting of the Staunton CUSD #6 Board of Education held on Monday, April 15, 2019 the Board filled several much needed teaching positions, several coaching and support positions. The following positions were filled in action following closed session:
- SJH English Language Arts Teacher – Corrie Allan
- Media Specialist – Tabitha Miller
- Elementary Teacher – Caitlyn Madura
- Elementary Teacher- Claudia Puricelli
- SHS ELA Teacher – Tim Klein, who was hired during the March meeting, will accept the high school ELA position.
- Part-Time Counselor – No Action
- Winter Coaching Recommendations
- SJH Volleyball: Jeanene Lucykow (8th) and Holly Weller (7th)
- SJH Basketball: Austin Sherfy (8th)
- Cheerleading: Brooke Dugger
- SHS Boys Basketball: Troy Redfern (Head Coach) Terry Allen (Asst. Coach)
- SHS Girls Basketball: Corrie Allan (Head Coach) TBA assistant
- SHS Cheerleading: Ms. Danielle Schmidt and Ms. Carlee Bushnell as Co-sponsors
- 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach: Ty Laux
- Summer Maintenance Workers: Austin Gusewelle, Eli Fox, Brenton Cox
- Bus Driver: Kate Vollintine
- Volunteers
- Daniel Monihan – SES
- Michelle Monihan – SES
- Laura Porter – SES
- Kelly Warren – SES
- Roland Walker III – SHS Football
“We are excited about the high quality teachers that will be coming to our district to join what is an already talented and outstanding faculty and staff,” stated Superintendent Cox. “The Board has made a commitment that culture and climate plus student learning and development are our top priorities as a district. Nothing has a greater impact on those things than that of a classroom teacher. I appreciate we have a Board that understands what is needed for our students to be successful.” Cox added. The Board has approved to hire five additional teaching positions thus far for next school year.
In other items of importance board members Chris Tingle and Dave Lamore were recognized as “outstanding board of education members” during what was their last regular board of education meeting. Mr. Tingle served on the board for 12 years, the last 6 as board president. Of Tingle, Superintendent Cox said, “Chris cares about this district deeply and he cares about kids. He has spent countless hours outside of board meetings making sure ‘it’ll be alright.’ From being a volunteer coach for the Jaguars, to leading a superintendent search, to chairing the board through the good times, the difficult, and back to the good, Chris has always wanted what is best for Staunton Schools!” Mr. Lamore has served on the board for 4 years and served as board secretary keeping minutes of all meetings during his tenure. As a model example as a lifelong educator Lamore has been ever present in supporting Staunton Schools. After spending a career in teaching and coaching he ran and was elected to the Board of Education. About Lamore Cox noted, “Dave leaves a legacy of wanting the best for students and teachers. He is always looking for the positive, even when situations are grim. And he always has a laugh with a big smile to share. Dave is a true example of what it means to be a lifelong educator.”
The Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of organizing the new board and to welcome and seat new member Derrick Taylor. Once organized, the board will discuss procedures for appointing the seat left open by Mr. Lamore.
To learn more of all action and discussion items that took place during the meeting please view the summary of minutes on the District website.