High school graduation is a milestone in the lives of our young people. Hopes, dreams, and anticipation of the future rings in the air. Have you ever wondered what's next for a graduating class? At Staunton Schools 75% of the Class of 2019 plan to go to a 4 year college, university, community college or trade school while 12.5% plan to go directly to the workforce and 8 brave young men and women will serve our country in the military.
These seniors have been a group of quiet but strong leaders. Through the years they have lead by example. We have expected the best from them, and in turn, their best is exactly what they have given us. Each and every day they came to school, put their heads down, and flat out "got after it!"
I can confidently say that the Class of 2019 has made me a very proud superintendent. There is no doubt that the best is yet to come with many crowning achievements ahead. I am proud to welcome them to the ranks of alumni from Staunton High School.
My closing remarks to our seniors during graduation were excerpts that I paraphrased from President Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the Area" speech. "It is not the critic who counts...The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the area...A person who knows the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he or she fails, at least fails while daring greatly."
Farewell Class of 2019! Go out into the world and dare to be bold! Dare to be courageous! Dare to be your best!
~Dan W. Cox, Superintendent of Schools