Staunton Families and Community,
As a nation, and a world, we have entered uncharted territory. Recommendations from officials change frequently in an effort to respond to the rapidly changing pandemic. As such, per a directive from the Governor’s office for a state-wide shelter in place beginning 5:00 p.m. Saturday, March 21st through Tuesday, April 7th, all Staunton Schools will remain closed during this time in order to maintain the overall safety for our students, staff, and community.
As we move forward our District has three immediate priorities: General Welfare, Communicate Clearly, Continue Education.
General Welfare
We will continue to feed and care for the extended safety, health and welfare of our school community and look to expand those services. In the meantime we will continue to provide food for families M-F 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Look for upcoming communication as our food services continue to evolve and expand.
Communicate Clearly
Regular, consistent and coherent communications will be shared with our school community.
Continue Education
We will stay engaged and in touch with our students and families.
In the coming days and weeks we are planning for keeping our students engaged both socially and academically.
Please know that our decisions are going to be made with the safety and best interest of everyone in mind. This will require decisive action and the ability for all of us to be adaptable. Moving forward we will communicate with you regularly via all of our communication platforms. It is imperative that you regularly check your messages and social media threads for information.
To close, we appreciate the support and cooperation from our community.
We are all in this together and we will get through this together. Stay well everyone!
Be the Difference,
Dan W. Cox, Superintendent of Schools