Board Meeting Logo

The regular meeting of the Staunton CUSD #6 Board of Education is to be held Monday, August 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the District Library. The most significant item of business to be conducted is for the Board to review the tentative budget for the 2018-2019 school year. After receiving the proposed budget from Superintendent Cox the Board will set the date, place, and time for a public hearing on the proposed budget and to make the budget available for public inspection 30 days prior to approval. The Board Secretary shall arrange to publish a notice in the local newspaper stating the date, place, and time of the proposed budget's availability for public inspection and the public hearing. 

In other items of interest during the meeting the Board will hear a presentation on Staunton Junior High School community outreach, review KIDS assessment data, and make final personnel decisions as the school year begins. More information regarding the meeting may be found at