Dear Staunton Families, Looking ahead to next week, the weather forecast does not appear to look good. With this being said, we wanted to send a friendly reminder to our school families that IF students are asked not to report to school due to unsafe weather conditions, the district Superintendent's message will state whether students will report to school virtually following the Full Remote Learning Plan, or if a snow day will be used. If a Full Remote learning day is used it will count as a student attendance day and students will need to follow their Full Remote learning schedule. Full Remote learning days will not be made up at the end of the school year. If a snow day is called, there will be no school for all students and staff and the day will be made up at the end of the school year. We need your input! Please take time to read the 5Essentails Survey letter and complete the 5Essentials survey in the next few weeks. We value your input and appreciate you taking the time to give us feedback. Click here:
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
It's game day for the Staunton Terriers! Watch Terrier athletics all year long from the comfort of your own home. Click the link below for more information on how to sign up.
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
IDPH released new guidelines today on cheerleading. Click here to read the update:
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
Please read an important message from our school Superintendent, Cynthia Tolbert, in reference to guidelines and procedures Staunton CUSD #6 will follow at all sporting events held on our school campus. Click here:
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
important info
Watch Bulldog and Terrier athletics all year long from the comfort of your own home. Click the link below for more information on how to sign up.
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
IHSA Sports seasons have been released! This is exciting news for our Staunton students and families. Please take time to read the two letters written from the 2M Conference and South Central Conference Superintendents on the rules and regulations that must be followed at all home and away sporting events. 2M Conference Letter: South Central Letter:
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
Pictured here is the Staunton administrative team. I can't say enough AMAZING things about these four individuals. Each one of them work extremely hard and always have the students best interests at heart. No problem is to big or small for them to tackle. They are always willing to do anything for anyone to help ensure our students are successful in and out of the classroom. Thank you Staunton administration for all you do!! You're the best!
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
admin team
Staunton CUSD #6 is hiring a High School Head Baseball Coach and Jr. High Track Coaches. Please click the links below for further information. Baseball Coach: Track Coaches: #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
almost 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6
This is a friendly reminder to our Staunton School families that you can find our most current, up-to-date, COVID-19 numbers in our school district located on our school district website by clicking on the COVID-19 data tracker link. Our data tracker is being updated daily to give our families the most accurate information.
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
The Staunton Board of Education recognized the following individuals at their January meeting: Ms. Patricia Long for her induction into the Senior Illinoisan Hall of Fame due to her many years of service as an outstanding educator. Senior student Analise Best for her induction into the ILMEA All-State Band. English teacher Katie Baima for earning the Staunton Education Foundation ‘Teacher of the Year,’ voted on by the most recent graduating class. Congratulations to all of these honorees and their achievements! #BulldogPride #LeadChallengeAchieve 🐾
almost 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6
Please click on the link below to read a message from our school Superintendent.
about 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
Get a Computer for $20! PCs for People refurbishes computers for households in need. Register and pre-order your computer or mobile hotspot:
about 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6
Staunton Families: There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day! #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
about 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6
Staunton Families: Linked below are the most up-to-date Health Guidelines for the Staunton School District. Please note that the school district is no longer able to accept negative results from a rapid COVID test. Health Guidelines Link: #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
about 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6
Staunton Families: Don't forget that the school district, in cooperation with Opaa! Food Service, is providing free meals to all students through the remainder of the school year! To view the latest menu, click this link: #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
about 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6
The Staunton School District is hiring an Elementary Resource Teacher. Please click the following link to review the job posting. Job Posting Link: START DATE: JANUARY 19TH, 2021 #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
about 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6
The Staunton School District is hiring an Elementary Resource Teacher. Please click the following link to review the job posting. Job Posting Link: #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
about 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6
All Pre-K through Grade 12 students will return to in-person learning on Wednesday, January 6th. We are looking forward to all our students returning to school and seeing their smiling faces!
about 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
Please click on the link to read an important message from the School Superintendent, Cynthia Tolbert: All students will return to school for in person learning on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. Click on the following links to view Staunton CUSD #6 updated learning plans for the second semester: In-Person:. Elective Remote: Full Remote:
about 4 years ago, Cindy Tolbert
Click the link below to view the Holiday Choir Concert! Choir Link: #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
about 4 years ago, Staunton CUSD #6