DON'T FORGET! The school district is continuing to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to any child, ages 18 years old and younger, who lives in the Staunton School District through the month of December! To learn more information, click the linked news article below. News Article Link: #BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Families,
A letter was sent to via email and posted to the website regarding student MAP testing a couple of weeks ago. Our district is working within each building to review this assessment data and identify where each student is performing academically. Teams within the three buildings will be identifying students needing help in the areas of Math or ELA. Students identified will then be provided supports and interventions to help them improve academically. If your child needs extra supports to help them improve in either academic area, a letter will be sent home to let you know the academic area(s) and interventions and supports that will be provided. If you have any questions when you receive this letter, please contact the building administrator.
Thank you,
Nancy Werden
Educational Services Coordinator
The Staunton School District is in search of a paraprofessional! Duties will be primarily supervisory. Please review the linked job posting.
Job Posting Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Families: Let us know anonymously when you know of anything that threatens the safety of our school using the SAFE SCHOOL HELPLINE. Review the attached flyer for more information.
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
1st quarter midterm grades can be found in Schoology or Skyward. Please check both locations for your child's 1st quarter grades.
Staunton Families: The school district is excited to announce that we are able to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to any child, ages 18 years old and younger, who lives in the Staunton School District through the month of December! The free meal service will begin on Wednesday, September 9th and will continue through Tuesday, December 22nd. To learn more information, click the linked news article below.
News Article Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
The Staunton School District is in search of a paraprofessional! Duties will be primarily supervisory. Please review the linked job posting.
Job Posting Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Families: The school district is excited to announce that we are able to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to any child, ages 18 years old and younger, who lives in the Staunton School District through the month of December! The free meal service will begin next Wednesday, September 9th and will continue through Tuesday, December 22nd. To learn more information, click the linked news article below.
News Article Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Families: This is a reminder that on Friday, September 4th, the Staunton School District will be running an early out schedule. The schedule is attached for your review in advance of Friday. Students in 6th - 12th Grade will be dismissed from school at 11:18 AM. Students in K - 5th Grade will be dismissed at 12:30 PM.
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Searching for a rewarding job? Become a Substitute Teacher! Earn up to $105 per day dependent on qualifications. Click the link below to learn more information about becoming a substitute for the Staunton School District.
Informational Link:
If you have further questions, please contact
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Families: This is a reminder that on Friday, September 4th, the Staunton School District will be running an early out schedule. The schedule is attached for your review in advance of Friday.
Students in 6th - 12th Grade will be dismissed from school at 11:18 AM. Students in K - 5th Grade will be dismissed at 12:30 PM.
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Staunton Families: This is just a reminder that students in Preschool, Kindergarten, Sixth grade, Freshman, and Seniors must submit medical requirements.
Medical requirements are due by October 15th, 2020 in order to remain in attendance. THIS APPLIES FOR BOTH REMOTE AND IN-PERSON LEARNING. Documents can be turned into the office, emailed or faxed (618) 635-4637.
If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Ali at 618.635.3831 x253 or
Please follow the link for your students requirements!
There have been some questions about what time breakfast begins for In-Person learners. Junior High and High School students can eat breakfast starting at 7 AM, and Elementary students can eat breakfast starting at 8 AM.
Staunton Families: Please complete the linked survey about Remote Learning and Schoology. This will assist the school district as we move forward with the 2020 school year. Please submit your response by September 2nd. Thank you!
Survey Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
Students will return back to school on Wednesday, August 26th for In-Person learning. All athletics will resume. We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday morning!
Dear Staunton Families,
There have been some questions on why students will be returning to school earlier than anticipated. To help alleviate confusion, I want to be transparent with you on why the decision was made for students and staff to return to school on Wednesday, August 26th.
The Macoupin County Department of Health has made contact with all the necessary individuals that needed to quarantined due to last week’s situation. Individuals required to quarantine under the direction of the Macoupin County Health Department will not be returning to school until they are officially released by the Health Department to return to school.
Since students left Thursday, our district custodial staff has been working diligently sanitizing and cleaning all of the buildings. Knowing the most recent situation has been controlled by the Macoupin County Department of Health and all district safety measures have been met, we are ready to bring students back to In-Person learning on Wednesday.
Our Elective Remote learning students will continue to follow the Elective Remote learning plan beginning on Wednesday, August 26th.
Our goal at Staunton Schools is to continue to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for all our students while meeting their social, emotional and educational needs. The district administration and I appreciate your continuous support in helping us provide a safe learning environment for all our students.
Cynthia Tolbert
Good Morning Families,
Good news! Students are able to return back to school for In-Person learning earlier than expected. Students will return back to school on Wednesday, August 26th. Athletics will resume. We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday morning!
Staunton Families: Due to the school closure August 24th - August 28th, we are planning to offer 'grab and go' pre-packaged breakfast and/or lunch to students in the district. Please complete the linked survey below if you plan to pick up breakfast and/or lunch for your student(s). Completion of the survey will help the district in planning for the distribution of the pre-packaged meals.
Meals can be picked up in the Bus Lane on the Staunton Schools campus or at the Bus Garage in Livingston. Starting, Tuesday, August 25th, both Breakfast and Lunch will be distributed to families from 7:15 AM - 9:15 AM.
Breakfast Prices: Paid-$1.75, Reduced-$0.30, and Free - $0.00
Lunch Prices: Paid-$2.86, Reduced-$0.40, and Free-$0.00
Meal Survey Link:
Staunton Families: Due to the school closure August 24th - August 28th, we are planning to offer 'grab and go' pre-packaged breakfast and/or lunch to students in the district. Please complete the linked survey below if you plan to pick up breakfast and/or lunch for your student(s). Completion of the survey will help the district in planning for the distribution of the pre-packaged meals.
Meals can be picked up in the Bus Lane on the Staunton Schools campus or at the Bus Garage in Livingston. Breakfast is served from 7:15 AM - 7:45 AM. Lunch is served from 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM.
Breakfast Prices: Paid-$1.75, Reduced-$0.30, and Free - $0.00
Lunch Prices: Paid-$2.86, Reduced-$0.40, and Free-$0.00
Meal Survey Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve
6th - 12th Grade Families:
Beginning Monday, August 24th - Friday, August 28th, during our Full Remote Learning week, the Multi-Purpose Gym will be open to 48 students to come in and work on their device if they have no internet access capability outside of school. This is only for students in 6th-12th grade.
Students will be allowed to enter the Multi-Purpose Gym at 8:00 AM and work until 12:30 PM if needed.
All students must wear a mask. All students will have their temperature taken before entering the building. All students will be appropriately social distanced.
Students MUST bring their school issued device.
NO student can attend if they have received a Quarantine Order from the Health Department.
Once the maximum number of students is reached, no other students will be allowed to enter. Reservations are on a first come first serve basis.
If your child is planning to come to the Multi-Purpose Gym, please RSVP using the linked Google Form below.
Google Form Link:
#BulldogPride #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve