The playground has new mulch and ready to go! Now all we need is students ready to learn and play!

Today marks the mid-point of summer break! Time to start planning for registration! http://www.stauntonschools.org/article/53822?org=district

The Marching Bulldogs were 🔥 today! 🇺🇸 #BulldogPride #LeadChallengeAchieve #FourthofJuly2018 http://www.kmov.com/clip/14466560/staunton-high-school-band

The cornerstone of our democracy is high quality public education. As we celebrate Independence Day we thank our families & community for your support for our schools! #LeadChallengeAchieve #FourthofJuly2018 #LovePublicEducation

Very proud of the Marching Bulldogs representing @StauntonSchools at the VP Parade! They marched for over an hour in the heat sounding and looking outstanding!!! #BulldogPride #FourthofJuly2018

Congratulations Lydia Roller! SJ-R Capital Region All Prairie Girls Track Athlete of the Year! #BulldogPride

Regular school attendance is key to our students success. Check out our school calendar to help you plan appointments and holidays for when school is not in session. http://5il.co/338u

We are pleased to announce our partnership with @NaviGatePrepare for our proactive emergency preparedness solution!

Want to know what took place at Monday's BOE meeting? Click the link to learn! http://www.stauntonschools.org/article/53236?org=district

Staunton Community Unit School District #6 would like to announce the following vacancy for the 2018-2019 School Year:
K-12 Physical Education Teacher
*Health & Driver’s Education endorsements preferred.
*Coaching opportunities available!
Qualifications: Professional Educator License with appropriate endorsements and criteria to meet Physical Education Licensure.
Interested applicants should send Letter of Application, Resume’, Transcript, Employment Application, Copy of License, and Letters of Recommendation to:
Brett T. Allen
High School Principal
Staunton Community Unit School District #6
801 N. Deneen St.
Staunton, Illinois 62088
Telephone: (618)-635-2962

The @Dogs_SHS Baseball Team take on @GHSComets Baseball in an SCC match-up at the Flora Sectional at 6:30 this evening. Let's go Bulldogs!!! #BulldogPride

Congratulations and best wishes to our retirees who were honored at the District Luncheon! Those retiring include: Ronald Ooton, Vicki Thomason, Ginny Fleming, and Liz Warner. #BulldogPride #LeadChallengeAchieve

CONGRATS to Mackinzie Colley on signing with St. Louis College of Pharmacy to play volleyball! #STLCOP #BulldogPride #LeadChallengeAchieve

Congratulations Lydia Roller, IHSA State 3200 6th place & 1600 5th place! #BulldogPride

Congratulations Staunton Bulldogs Baseball, 2018 IHSA Regional Champions! #BulldogPride

Congratulations Staunton High School Class of 2018! #BulldogPride #LeadChallengeAchieve

Good Luck to the Lady Terriers 7th Grade Volleyball Team at state today! We are proud of you!!! #TerrierPride #LeadChallengeAchieve

Welcome to our new website!

We're proud of our Terriers, it's been a great season so far!